BWSA’s travel soccer teams play in a competitive league where BWSA teams play games both at home and away against teams from other soccer clubs in the region. Travel games occur on Sundays. Players typically try-out for and are selected for a travel team. Some players may be cut due to limits on the number of players allowed on each team’s roster. BWSA competes under the PA West Soccer travel rules. BWSA belongs to District 4 and teams play in Divisions 6 (least competitive), 5, and 4 (most competitive) based on the level of play and previous season's performance.
How old do you have to be to play travel?
BWSA currently fields travel teams starting at U9 for girls and boys. The chart below shows the U.S. Soccer age brackets. To determine the age group for a season, the year the season ENDS will determine the birth year. The form "U" followed by a number such as "U8" should be read as "8 and under".
How are the teams formed?
BWSA teams are determined based on the number of players who register in each age group. Tryouts are held when necessary. While every attempt is made to place all players on a team, occasionally cuts may occur. Teams are made for both the Fall and Spring season. For U10 thru U14 age groups, travel is a fall and spring commitment. For the U15-U18 age groups, we will open Spring waitlist registration in early winter. Additionally, we will open up Spring waitlist for the younger age groups and fill as-needed.
How much does Travel cost?
For the fall/spring commitment, the cost of registration is $180. This fee can be paid all at once or you can choose our payment plan that has you make three (3) equal payments as outlined in our Travel Payment Plan guide.
For Spring only registration - U15-U18 and as needed for the younger groups - the cost will be $90 and must be paid after registration is offered.
What are the Travel Uniform Requirements?
Travel uniforms (kits) are purchased separately from the program itself. The entire cost is approximately $100.
Sizing information for travel uniforms can be found here.
When are the games?
Travel games are scheduled from about Noon through 5:00 PM on Sundays for an 8 week period from the first week of September through late October for the fall season and from the first week of April through the first week June for the spring season. Games are not played on Easter weekend and Memorial Day weekend.
Where are the games played?
Most of the games are played within an hour drive of Baldwin Whitehall, with occasional trips South and West to West Virginia or Ohio. The older teams have had to travel as far as north as Erie, PA.
When are the practices?
BWSA travel practices are scheduled Monday through Friday, typically two days per week, at the discretion of the coach and based on field availability.
What if one of the players can't make the night that I picked for practice?
Depending on the age group, this may or may not be an issue. Some players play on multiple teams (travel and club). Those players will practice with their "highest level" team first and attend other practices as they are able. If the conflict is serious, contact the Travel Coordinator for assistance.
What qualifications do BWSA travel coaches hold?
All BWSA coaches are required to complete the Pennsylvania background screening process. All BWSA travel head coaches are volunteers. They hold either a National “E” license or higher OR the age-appropriate Grassroots license established by the U.S. Soccer Association.
Where can I find out more about BWSA travel soccer?
If you need additional information, please contact [email protected]